Moene's Main Site

Game audio, retro synth, machine learning, and random thoughts

Moene’s Clipboard GitHub OAuth App Share Your Log with E2E Encryption

Visit: Moene’s Clipboard (GitHub account required)

No GitHub account? Try and decrypt my message here (password:hello):

Source code(academic-only account):

Moene’s clipboard is an E2E(end-to-end) encrypted message and image-sharing platform written completely in NodeJS. No plain text will be transferred even if the user’s browser does not support HTTPS encryption. Messages are encrypted with a user-provided password and such passwords will not be submitted to the server in any way. Simply log in with your GitHub account to start sharing! Please note that account registration is not possible to prevent service abuse.

In collaboration with: Hao Chen, Sizhe Li, Shen Fang

My work: Backend, MongoDB, message auto-decrypt, misc UI-tweaks, project lead

Hao Chen: Message encryption, decryption, client server communication, link generation, client-sending and client-viewing routing set up
Sizhe Li: Frontend Design, include Animation generation, Logo design. Main CSS coding, desgin the UI appearance to make it looks like a modern website
Shen Fang: Image encryption, decryption, storage and display. CSS. Link copy button



